[NSFW project]
NSFW is the project where I have been taking screenshots of dick pictures on Grindr, Jack’d, two dating apps, since November 2018. So far, there are 50. I collected them only if they sent pictures without asking or if there had not been any conversation between us. These unsolicited moments are turned into my art materials.

︎︎︎NSFW (angry yellow meat), video installation, 03:21, 2020
︎︎︎NSFW (penetration), video installation, 31:42, 2020

Two videos are shown on each side of the inclined box spring. One on the monitor (angry yellow meat, 03:21) is where I open their penis to speak and sing my thoughts, the other (penetration 31:42) is where I 3D-scanned my body with 6 different poses and penetrate the surface of the digitalized body with my agency.

NSFW (investigation), Single channel video installation, 47:39, 2020

︎︎︎screen grabs

For investigation (47:39), I focused on parts of the screen shots that are not their dicks, looking for clues to where they are, what kind of clothes they are wearing, what products they own, and more.

NSFW (comfort), printed on fabric, foam, wood, wheels, 2020

For comfort, I magnified their vein and made it into cushioned stools for comfort. Sometimes these stools have mobility, sometimes not.

NSFW (Not Safe For Woohee), performance, durational (approximately 17:00), 2020

For the performance piece Not Safe For Woohee, I am speaking monologue through camera and screen about my thoughts and emotions on this grid called Grindr, and then I sing the song “Cut the world ” by Antony and the Johnsons.

installation views︎︎︎

photos courtesy by Karlis Bergs, Tony Shengbin Wu